Tool Kits Include: Dividers 75mm Scribe Centre punch Engineer’s square 75mm Caliper digital (Vernier) Adjustable Sawframe 80mm Saw blades 2/0 and 4/0 Set of drill bits (approx 0.5-2.0mm) Flat file 6” cut 2 (with handle) Half round file 6” cut 2 (with handle) Needle file set Parallel pliers 140mm (smooth) Flat nose pliers 115mm Round nose pliers 115mm Snipe nose pliers 115mm Half round pliers 115mm Side cutters 130mm Reverse sprung soldering tweezers Brass tweezers Solder probe Pin vice (swivel head) Split pin (for pendant motor) Calico/Wool polishing mops for pendant motor Ring clamp Raw hide mallet Burnisher Bezel pusher Safety goggles Apron Tool roll
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