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Replacement Parts

Replacement Parts

Arduino Pack

Arduino Pack


If you are unable to return your Arduino Pack you can pick the parts from this list that are missing to pay for them.

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Photo of Adafruit MPR121 PCB

Adafruit MPR121



This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.
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Photo of blue 9g servo

9g Micro Servo



This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.
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Photo of 5V power adapter

5V Power Adapter



This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.
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Photo of ADXL343 Triple-Axis Accelerometer

ADXL343 Triple-Axis Accelerometer



This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.
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Photo of Full Size Breadboard

Full Breadboard



This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.
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Other Items

Other Items

Amount (£)


This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.

Please input the amount specified by the technical team.
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Photo of small Adafruit NeoPixel Ring

Small NeoPixel Ring



This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.
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Photo of small Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic Sensor



This item is for the replacement of this part if you cannot return it in working order.
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