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GlassCast 10 Clear Epoxy Resin **CSM Students Only**

GlassCast 10 Clear Epoxy Resin



GlassCast 10 is a clear, UV resistant epoxy clear casting resin suitable for castings and deep coatings up to 10mm in thickness. and can be cast in multiple layers to an unlimited depth.
Available in 500g kits.


Detailed Description

GlassCast 10 is a clear, UV resistant epoxy clear casting resin suitable for castings and deep coatings up to 10mm in thickness and can be cast in multiple layers to an unlimited depth. 
Available in 500g kits.

- Materials can only be purchased from eStore by CSM students, on the day of their booking, to be used in the casting workshop at L008. 
- Students are not permitted to purchase materials from eStore for use outside of the workshop. 
- Technicians should be consulted before purchasing materials from the eStore.  
- Please show proof of purchase receipt to the technicians before collecting the purchased materials.
- We do not stock Polyester Resin and it is not permitted in the workshop. 

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