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Binders - * STAFF ONLY*

Binders - * STAFF ONLY*


*PLEASE NOTE THIS STORE ITEM IS FOR STAFF ONLY.* Please note that staff are charged VAT at the standard rate

Opening Hours

Daily 12 -12.15pm

Also Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 2.30-2.45pm


Flitter binder - Use with flitter powder to print glitter onto textiles

Gloss Binder - Shiny textile printing binder

Gold Binder -  Textile printing binder

Puff Binder 3DP - Raised textile printing binder

Opaque Binder KP - Opaque textile printing binder

Pearl Binder - Pearlescent textile printing binder

Super White FFC - Prints white onto textiles

AF Binder - Semi-transparent binder for printing onto textile

 RefillNew Bottle
Flitter binder
Gloss binder
Gold Binder
Puff Binder 3DP
Opaque Binder KP
Pearl Binder
Super White FFC
AF binder

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